Submit your abstract Twitter Abstracts registration form Session type * Oral talks Posters Topic * History and present knowledge on fungal Diversity in west Africa Diversity, molecular systematic and phylogeny of tropical African fungi Environmental samples, soil fungi and bio-informatic Endophytes, plant pathogenic fungi and defence mechanism Medicinal mushrooms and bioactivity in tropical African fungi Conservation of fungi and their habitats Wild Edible fungi and People: biomass measurement, ethnomycology, sustainable exploitation Food born fungi and mycotoxin Mushrooms cultivation and technology for food security and development Mycorrhizal symbiosis and forest regeneration Termites-Fungi Interaction in Tropical Africa Submission title * Author / Authors * Author 1 First Name * Last Name * Institution / affiliation * City * Country * E-mail * Add another author Add another author 2 Presenting author Presenting author Author 1 Alternative Contact Data Content Abstract (No longer thant 200 Words) * Words Keywords Provide keywords separating them with commas Comments / Remarks Contenu Condition * I accept the following conditions: Upon receipt of information about acceptance of the abstract, registration of participation must be made latest by 30 June 2019. In case of no registration on time, the abstract will be canceled.