We accept here any communication addressing issues of mushroom cultivation and processing. Numerous tropical African wild taxa have a high potential for domestication and mass production to face food insecurity and health problems. Still, only very few, usually exotic taxa are cultivated presently on the African continent. Mushrooms production is experiencing some major organisational and technology problems that need to be mastered before sustaining the production into a viable activity. One key issue is to secure a permanent supply of fungal seeds, a step that needs some laboratory facilities not always affordable by the producer. Stakeholders at any step also need some skills to promote a viable “Added-Value-Chain”, starting from production to end users via any processing steps. In the present sub-topic, we would like to address crucial questions related to technological and infrastructure requirements for a sustain mushrooms production in tropical Africa. We will debate about the potential of mushroom production to promote free enterprise, to promote green jobs and protect the environment. We welcome abstracts addressing social or economic limitations, as well as market studies and demands for mushrooms consumptions.